Don’t Be Melloncholy- Legolas x Tauriel Fanfiction

Hey, everyone! I know I haven’t been posting in a long time. I also haven’t been using the reader much lately either. Not sure when I’ll be getting back on track, but with summer break nearing, it’ll definitely happen! I’ll have more time, and exciting experiences to share! Wooo!

Anyways, I’ve started a new fanfiction, revolving around the Legolas and Tauriel (Legriel) ship in Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit! Here’s a quick summary.

When the dwarves are thrown in jail, and the orc raids continue, Tauriel knows that something big is happening, although Thranduil may refuse to acknowledge it. When she and Legolas defy the elven king’s orders for the sake of a larger problem– an evil that must be ended– their forbidden feelings for each other only expand. With each passing day, hiding their love for each other grows more and more desperate and painful, and eventually… it becomes impossible.

I’m writing this fanfic on Wattpad, so I can hopefully get feedback and comments!

Enjoy the story!


I don’t think any of you are into LOTR, but if you are, then YAAAAASSSSS!


This feels very strange. Yet also extremely familiar. 

I know I said I quit. And I’m sorry for posting after I confirmed that I would be leaving. I know it’s probably annoying. I should just leave and be gone, right? No coming back, no sentimental returns. This is what I chose. I chose to leave. 

Wow. This does feel really weird. Coming back to this, I’m thinking of all the time I spent here. This site. And all the things I typed down and shared. 

A whole lot has changed since then. But you didn’t ask for an update. 

I know a lot has changed here too. I don’t know who’s still here and who is not.

And I know I don’t have a place here anymore. But I want to start a private blog just for me, and I figured you all have the right to know if you’re still here and active. 

So for the record, 


If any of you have this app, I have a few stories to recommend. Episode has a lot of bad user-made stories, but also some really great ones.

Prophecies by Kiara H.

Amnesia by Josefine H.

Human by Gina Massaro

The Royals by Arden Cole

Hunted by J. Bring

RydeShare by Phil Singleton



Anyone have an Instagram?

I got one recently. I can’t believe my mom actually let me. 

My sister also made one, and my mom made one just to watch our accounts and make sure we behave, and don’t post any pictures of ourselves or give personal information. 

My Instagram username is the_eye_of_sauron. My name is Crystal June. The profile picture is derpy Thor. 

Sneak peek (of a picture I took similar to the ones on my account)

Comment your usernames below so I can follow you! Or you can follow me and I’ll just follow back. 


Exams and Bill Nye

Yesterday- Wednesday the 18th.

My first class was really chill… we just worked on each of our literary analysis.

There we’re only a few people. Most people in our grade were taking the Keystones (state exam) for Algebra. The Geometry students took that last year, when we were in that class, so we’re done with it and don’t have to take it this year.

Then, we had a math quiz in second period, which ended up being a lot more relaxed than I expected. It wasn’t very stressful at all; I actually felt quite calm, despite this being my least favorite chapter.

In third period, almost everyone was also in Geometry, so they took the quiz, too. For the beginning of class, we were madly arguing and discussing the quiz and interrogating each other about the answers.

The teacher mocked us, saying “Oohh, I got (0,0) for number 6, what did you get?”

Then she said we were going to bring the level down to Bill Nye video level. And apparently people thought he was dead, but he’s alive and nothing happened.


Band (Spring) Concert

We had our Band concert the day after the Orchestra, Chorus and Handbells one.

First, we went to the LGI (at the high school, where the concert was taking place) to warm up. We did some scales and note exercises, and we were…. very loud. Haha.

Then, we went out to the seats designated for Band members. The jazz band played first, and they sounded great! There were one or two solos.

After four songs by the jazz band, the 6th grade band performed, and then we (7th and 8th) were up. We played Triumphant Fanfare, Into the Woods, and Rolling Stones on Tour.

Three awards were given. Matt got one- no surprise there. He’s a really good saxophone player, and pretty much everyone in band knows it. He’s also in jazz band and has had multiple solos, even though they usually switch up the people for solos. Reade also got an award. That wasn’t surprising either- the band teacher said that this person was in chorus, band, and handbells, and he was the only one who fit that description. He said, “Act surprised, Reade!” and Reade did a dramatic gasp and shocked face. I don’t remember who the last person was, but I don’t think it was that surprising for them either.

Then, the 6th graders and the “Sonic Drum Squad” joined us, along with previous band members in the audience, and we played an encore.

Finally, someone took a photo of all of us together on the stage. It would be the start of a new tradition of having pictures of the band each year on posters in the band room. And it definitely isn’t the only tradition started this year… my last year here at the middle school band. Oh, and of course there was also a “silly” picture. Someone yelled for everyone to dab.


Orchestra, Chorus, and Handbells Concert

I feel like this is not my story to share, because I am not in Orchestra, Chorus, OR Handbells, but I shall tell it anyway.

I went to concert to see younger sister, in orchestra and chorus and vocal ensemble. I also saw a lot of my friends performing- Hannah, Yiran, Olivia, Madelyn (she had a singing solo), Reade, Isabelle, Lauren, and Emiliea (who also had a solo).

The orchestra went first (6th, then 6/7/8, then 7/8, and then 6/7/8 grades). The 7th and 8th grade orchestra played the Avengers theme!

Then, the handbells played. They sounded amazing. I feel like handbells are forgotten and underestimated at our schools. It must be really hard, actually. Since you only have two hands… you can’t play all the bells. So you have to be perfectly in sync with the other players. And their songs were certainly no simple “Twinkle Twinkle” songs. I imagine they all have a great sense of time and rhythm, being able to hear and count and respond to the other players that well, matching their notes on the sheet music with each and every other player’s sounds.

I really wish I tried more things this year… like handbells, chorus, and football. I won’t be able to do that next year, because I’ll be in high school, and I feel like freshman year is not the right time to start a bunch of things you’re mostly just trying because you’re curious and interested but you don’t want to seriously do. I’ll be very busy next year (all honors classes, and outside activities), so I don’t think I could manage it.

Next, the 6th grade chorus went, followed by the 7th and 8th, which sang Radioactive. Then, the Men’s Ensemble came onstage with a watermelon. And then the PMEA Chorus Fest singers sang. Finally, the vocal ensemble sang three songs, one of which was in French, I’m pretty sure. Or maybe it was in multiple languages, but the one I recognized was French. Anyway, my sister didn’t know either.

Then, they announced the awards. Andrew got his first. Thomas got an award… surprise surprise. He was in pretty much everything, either playing drums or singing, so it was kind of predictable. Madelyn got one, too, and I think she totally deserved it. The teacher said she was really talented, but also very modest, and never bragged or anything. I thought that was just so true. She was turning red and looked so surprised when she was announced. Reade also got an award, and he seemed surprised, too.

After awards, Rachel spoke about our vice principal and his achievements, such as being in the army and teaching- both for a very long time. She said we would miss him, and wish him a happy retirement. Then, they dedicated the last song of the concert to him. (It was like an encore song)


FCS at School

Here are some things about FCS, a special at our school where we garden, cook, sew, and learn about food.

This post is definitely going to have a very casual tone. My posts are usually really casual, but in this post, I want to do less explaining to others and more writing as a record for myself.

**<– I name these Bob and Maria.

My first matter to write about is the dreaded 10 year plan every student in eighth grade does. It’s the huge project that pretty much makes up our grades. We have to write out thirty goals for the next ten years (three for each year) and explain how we will achieve them. Then, we find a way to present them, usually relating to our main goal. For example, someone in a previous class wanted to play hockey in college, and created a poster in the shape of a hockey stick. (Well. I suppose I am explaining. But it’s kind of something that’s necessary for you guys to understand the story, and I’m used to it anyway.)

Never mind, this post is going to be way too long. On to the next thing!

**<– These are called Lenny and Kia.

For the first several classes, we got to choose to go the garden or stay inside and cook. We have a late group because there are two teachers who each teach one class a period, and we combined our two.

I chose to garden every time. We went outside to the greenhouses, and moved rocks/pebbles into the greenhouses as a floor.

The current floor was very muddy. So we wore boots. Everyone complained so much about the mud, which I didn’t understand. To me, mud is just mud. I don’t really care, it’s not really that “gross” (cue high pitched girl voice imitation by yours truly). But everyone was complaining, just some less than others. Even the guys kept saying it was disgusting; the girls just said it more.

A certain group of girls complained to their heart’s content (or actually, they probably could’ve complained more; you should hear the kinds of petty things they get so upset over). Over and over again, it was “Ah, my shoes!” and “Oooohhh my gosh. My favorite dress is soooo dirty!” ETC ETC. Like why did you choose to come gardening in the first place? It’s not like you’re helping us anyway. You’re just standing off to the side doing nothing but annoying us all by complaining endlessly about that “dirt” on you I can’t even see. Like, have you seen me? That’s actual dirt. But you know the real difference? I don’t care at all, and I haven’t been complaining. Well, I understand some people want to look perfectly clean and put together, but when it comes to the point where you’re now just bothering others by talking about the nonexistent dirt…

Anyway,  teacher was going to have the girls lay down the plastic, and the boys move the rocks. The girls (not the ones who stood off and didn’t do anything) looked like they were almost done and didn’t need help, so I went to move the rocks with the boys and apparently Emaan. She and some guys were shoveling and filling up bins with rocks, so the other boys could go over and dump the bins in the greenhouse.

They said they didn’t need help, but I picked up a shovel and started scooping anyway. There were three sizes of containers- many small and medium bins, and just two large buckets.

I started shoveling in the beginning, but ended up taking the bins to the greenhouse. I mostly took the medium one, but tried the bucket at one point when no one else was using it, and I… kinda…. dropped it…  Heh. Heh heh. I dropped it with a bit of control though, so it’s not like it spilled all over the ground.

The next day in class, we continued moving the rocks and we were able to finish.

**<– Rana and Casey

Part two coming soon! I decided this post was too long. And I guess I’m just going to end it abruptly instead of leading it out smoothly.



Hello everyone!

A while ago, I got a Wattpad account. Not so long ago, I started reading actively, and downloaded the app. 

I’m on mobile, so I’m not sure if the link will work on all devices, but it will do for now. CLICK!

I love Wattpad a lot! There are so many pieces you can read online, on a computer or phone. There are many genres, including fan fictions and short stories. 

I’ve put a few parts of my stories up on my account if you’d like to see them, but I don’t exactly consider myself a Wattpad author. 

If you have a Wattpad, or decide to get one, follow me or comment your username below so I can find and follow you!

Now roll the pictures!
